Yes, It's Absolutely Possible To

Feel Good In Your Body

Hi there! I'm Rachel, a functional nutritionist and your personal guide on this transformative journey to wellness. If you're here, you're likely exhausted from the persistent health issues that are keeping you from living your best life.

I get it, and I'm here to help.  

Are You Tired of Hearing…

“Nothing’s wrong” or “It’s just stress”?

You've been to countless appointments only to hear that nothing seems to be wrong—or even worse, it's all chalked up to stress.

Sound familiar?

If you're nodding your head and thinking, "Yes, that's exactly me!", you've found your sanctuary. No more superficial answers or band-aid fixes. We go deep to get to the root cause of your health woes so you can reclaim your life.

I’ve helped my clients see results like…


Increased energy


Improved relationship with food


Balanced hormones 


Enhanced body positivity


Improvement in sleep

• Here's How We Can Work Together •

• Here's How We Can Work Together •

Free Discovery Call

Start your journey with an introductory call to explore your health goals and what's keeping you from reaching them.

Initial Assessment

An in-depth, individualized assessment to uncover the root of your health concerns. Together, we'll build a tailored action plan for you.  

Free Resources

A collection of my favorite recipes, holistic health tips, and supportive guidance that you can access anytime you need a little inspiration.

Meet Rachel

The Heart and Soul Behind Your Journey

Ever felt like your concerns were dismissed? I've been there and back, and that's why I'm fiercely committed to not just hearing you but really listening. Together, we'll break down the barriers keeping you from feeling amazing every single day.  



  • If you want to know the “why” behind something, she’s got an answer.

    “I started my journey with Rachel in hopes of helping balance my hormones. I’ve had heavy and excruciating periods for as long as I can remember. After acquiring the label “PCOS” I knew I needed to bring in hands more capable at helping than my own. After working on fine tuning my exercise, nutrition, and supplement regimen to support my body, my periods are less painful and my mood swings have gotten better (you can ask my husband). Rachel helped to pull me out of a really rough spot. She is kind, attentive, caring, prompt, and informative in her responses. She gets to know her clients on a basis that serves more than surface level small talk and she explains everything she does whilst helping you meet your goals. If you want to know the “why” behind something, she’s got an answer. Having someone like Rachel in your life is a way to invest in your present and in your future. She takes the past ick that you’ve dealt with and transforms it into information to help you on your journey. She’s a friend, a mentor, a teacher, a kind soul, and a wonderful nutritionist. I will continue sending my loved ones her way, with peace of mind knowing they will be in good hands.”

    - H.O

  • My levels have significantly improved and my migraines have been cut in half. Not only that, but I have energy again!

    “I started working with Rachel to help with my migraines and high cholesterol levels. She took a root-cause approach and created a personalized plan that included nutritional support, movement, and lifestyle changes. My levels have significantly improved and my migraines have been cut in half. Not only that, but I have energy again! Rachel met me exactly where I was at, and helped me create long lasting and sustainable changes.”

    - S.G

  • Working with Rachel has helped my relationship with food and body image.

    Working with Rachel has helped my relationship with food and body image. I have struggled with chronic dieting and restriction my whole life. For the first time I don't spend my entire day thinking about what I am going to eat for my next meal! I have learned to honor my hunger cues and nourish my body without guilt and limitations. I appreciate the weight neutral approach she takes and how supportive she is.

    - C.E

  • She helped me from start to finish to figure out what was going on with my hormones and how to handle them.

    “For starters, Rachel is amazing. She helped me from start to finish to figure out what was going on with my hormones and how to handle them. We did the Dutch test and she was able to simplify the test and explain the components of it. If you are frustrated with your hormones and having issues with digestion or anything like that, she is your go-to girl.”

    - T.G

  • Rachel's empathy and expertise have been invaluable to me.

    "I started working with Rachel to manage my nutrition needs after being diagnosed with celiac. As a picky vegetarian, I used to struggle to get all the nutrition I needed. Rachel's empathy and expertise have been invaluable to me. She helped me create a meal plan that meets my nutritional needs and is actually enjoyable to eat! She also helped me find gluten-free and vegetarian products that I love. Rachel is more than just a nutritionist; she's a true friend who genuinely cares about my health and well-being. If you're looking for a nutritionist who will go the extra mile for you, I highly recommend Rachel."

    - S.A

Discover Wellness Insights

Dive into the blog for a collection of nourishing recipes, insightful wellness practices, and personal notes from my own health journey. 

grab your free download

Nourish Your Body & Soul Meal Guide

Feeling stuck in your routine? Reignite your passion for wholesome eating with a handpicked selection of six invigorating recipes. This meal guide is specially curated to reawaken your senses and energize your body, perfect for times when you need a delicious boost to your day.

Reawaken Your Meals - Download Now!

Ready to Embrace Your Health Journey?

Transformative wellness is just a click away. Schedule your free discovery call today and start paving the path to a more vibrant, rooted you.