Rediscover Your Vitality & Empower Your Wellness Journey

Tired of feeling overlooked and under-heard when it comes to your health? It's time for a change. Together, we'll uncover the root of your health challenges and ignite your path to well-being.

Ready for a health transformation?

Is this you?

✓ You're a woman who's done with quick fixes and ready for lasting health.

✓ Hormone imbalances, gut issues, or burnout are daily hurdles you're ready to overcome.

✓ You seek more energy to enjoy life and want to feel good in your own skin again.

✓ You're looking for an empathetic expert who listens and understands your health journey.

Commonly Treated Issues:

Holistic Solutions for Your Well-being

  • Seeking a positive relationship with food? Nutrition Support goes beyond diets to build healthy, lifelong eating habits. Whether you're struggling with body image or emotional eating, we'll find a path to balance and satisfaction, without deprivation.

  • Hormones are crucial conductors of our well-being. Whether you're dealing with PCOS, exploring fertility options, or seeking supportive care through pregnancy, we can incorporate Hormone Nutrition into your plan. For those interested in a deeper hormonal insight, I offer the option of incorporating Dutch testing. This advanced hormone assessment tool can enrich our understanding of your hormonal profile. With or without Dutch testing, we’ll take a root-cause approach to help harmonize your hormonal health, fine-tuning your body's intricate symphony for a balanced and thriving life.

  • When your gut health is off, it can feel like you're navigating a minefield with food. If you're dealing with SIBO, IBS, or feel limited to just a handful of "safe" foods, our Gut Health services aim to expand your dietary horizons and restore digestive harmony.

  • If the way you eat feels out of sync, you're not alone. Whether it's stress eating, inconsistent meal patterns, or navigating food sensitivities, changing your eating behavior starts with understanding the 'why.' Let's work together to bring joy and nourishment back to your plate.

Your Path to Healing


Book Your Free Discovery Call

Begin your journey with a call where we'll map out your health goals and see if we're the right fit.


Personalized Health Assessment

Dive deep into a comprehensive assessment that looks at all aspects of your health to identify the root causes of your concerns.


Embark on Your Customized Wellness Plan

Start your tailored wellness protocol with full support and guidance every step of the way.

Discovery Call

Your First Step Towards Balance

Let's chat about where you are on your health journey and where you'd love to be. This free call is all about connecting, seeing if we’re a good fit, and identifying the next steps on your path to wellness.

Initial Assessment

Uncover the Root of Your Health Concerns

Experience a thorough assessment to understand the 'whys' behind your health challenges, so we can address them head-on with precision and care.

Ongoing Support & Guidance

Your Companion in Wellness Transformation

Every step of your health journey is important, and the support you receive should reflect that. Whether you prefer the flexibility of scheduling follow-up sessions or opt for a package of sessions for added savings and accountability, I’m here to provide continuous care and adjustments. Your wellness plan is designed to evolve with you, offering consistent partnership and guidance as you implement and refine your health strategies. 

Book a Discovery Call to learn more about ongoing support and guidance.

I’ve helped my clients see results like…


Increased energy


Improved relationship with food


Balanced hormones 


Enhanced body positivity


Improvement in sleep

• Client Love •

• Client Love •

  • Rachel's empathy and expertise have been invaluable to me.

    "I started working with Rachel to manage my nutrition needs after being diagnosed with celiac. As a picky vegetarian, I used to struggle to get all the nutrition I needed. Rachel's empathy and expertise have been invaluable to me. She helped me create a meal plan that meets my nutritional needs and is actually enjoyable to eat! She also helped me find gluten-free and vegetarian products that I love. Rachel is more than just a nutritionist; she's a true friend who genuinely cares about my health and well-being. If you're looking for a nutritionist who will go the extra mile for you, I highly recommend Rachel."

    - S.A

  • If you want to know the “why” behind something, she’s got an answer.

    “I started my journey with Rachel in hopes of helping balance my hormones. I’ve had heavy and excruciating periods for as long as I can remember. After acquiring the label “PCOS” I knew I needed to bring in hands more capable at helping than my own. After working on fine tuning my exercise, nutrition, and supplement regimen to support my body, my periods are less painful and my mood swings have gotten better (you can ask my husband). Rachel helped to pull me out of a really rough spot. She is kind, attentive, caring, prompt, and informative in her responses. She gets to know her clients on a basis that serves more than surface level small talk and she explains everything she does whilst helping you meet your goals. If you want to know the “why” behind something, she’s got an answer. Having someone like Rachel in your life is a way to invest in your present and in your future. She takes the past ick that you’ve dealt with and transforms it into information to help you on your journey. She’s a friend, a mentor, a teacher, a kind soul, and a wonderful nutritionist. I will continue sending my loved ones her way, with peace of mind knowing they will be in good hands.”

    - H.O

  • Working with Rachel has helped my relationship with food and body image.

    Working with Rachel has helped my relationship with food and body image. I have struggled with chronic dieting and restriction my whole life. For the first time I don't spend my entire day thinking about what I am going to eat for my next meal! I have learned to honor my hunger cues and nourish my body without guilt and limitations. I appreciate the weight neutral approach she takes and how supportive she is.

    - C.E

  • She helped me from start to finish to figure out what was going on with my hormones and how to handle them.

    “For starters, Rachel is amazing. She helped me from start to finish to figure out what was going on with my hormones and how to handle them. We did the Dutch test and she was able to simplify the test and explain the components of it. If you are frustrated with your hormones and having issues with digestion or anything like that, she is your go-to girl.”

    - T.G

  • My levels have significantly improved and my migraines have been cut in half. Not only that, but I have energy again!

    “I started working with Rachel to help with my migraines and high cholesterol levels. She took a root-cause approach and created a personalized plan that included nutritional support, movement, and lifestyle changes. My levels have significantly improved and my migraines have been cut in half. Not only that, but I have energy again! Rachel met me exactly where I was at, and helped me create long lasting and sustainable changes.”

    - S.G


  • Functional nutrition is an evidence-based approach to nutrition that focuses on addressing the underlying causes of health issues, rather than just treating the symptoms. By tailoring nutrition plans to each individual, prioritizing nutrient-rich foods, and addressing gut health, hormones and lifestyle adjustments, its goal is to enhance overall well-being by merging functional medicine principles with nutrition to bolster the body's innate healing mechanisms.

  • You'll receive a comprehensive analysis of your health, lifestyle, and nutrition to identify underlying issues and create a personalized wellness plan.

  • All of my appointments are virtual. We connect via Practice Better, Zoom, or phone calls.

  • My approach is empathetic and focuses on you as a whole person, not just your symptoms. I don’t believe in a one-size-fit-all approach; we'll work collaboratively to create sustainable health changes.

  • Ongoing support and guidance are available to adjust your plan. Ensuring it adapts to your changing health and lifestyle.

  • At this time I do not accept insurance or Medicare.

  • Yes, I offer a variety of functional labs depending on your specific needs. This can include anything from a Dutch Hormone Test, Comprehensive GI Effects from Genova, or an Organic Acids Test. These are just a few of many I can run.

grab your free download

Nourish Your Body & Soul Meal Guide

Feeling stuck in your routine? Reignite your passion for wholesome eating with a handpicked selection of six invigorating recipes. This meal guide is specially curated to reawaken your senses and energize your body, perfect for times when you need a delicious boost to your day.

Reawaken Your Meals - Download Now!